Yesterday debate was…not so much a debate but rather 11 people standing and talking politely…(well, most of them).
Some of the speakers surprised me and some of them were lack luster. Some delivered their lines with greater pose then I would have expected while some were not as visionary as people are lead to believe…but really…where were the ideas?? With so many candidates, there must be some differences between them…
There are no winners or losers, but rather signification identities created and ideas transmitted. To me, Scott Brison did that. He set himself apart from the group and spoke on actual ideas for equalization and agriculture. He is not merely suggesting we need to make Canada better, he is purposing bold ideas to move Canada forward.
Why am I supporting Scott Brison over the rest of the other 10 candidates…a few overly simple reasons:
Policy: He speaks to me about policies that are implementable, that are valuable, and that are a working vision for Canada. He shares in my view on environment and how it can be the next transnational issues and how Canada can be international environmental leaders. (sidebar: he was one of the very few politicians to have an open policy discussion with me…and two weeks later, pull me aside at a social to finish our discussion on environment…he must have a memory like a fox!)
Renewal: He speaks about how we need to re-establish what it means to be Liberal, not what it meant 5 years ago. He speaks about re-engaging the country in discussion and will bring the regions together. He addresses the issues of equalization payments, EI, and environmental practices that would engage the West.
Leadership: This is simple. I want a leader who will be there today and tomorrow. I want a leader who will be quick on the draw in the House when representing the Liberals in opposition. I want a strong speaker who has bold ideas and will challenge Harper on every turn. In the same regards, I want a leader who has values for our party that will lead us into government. (and mostly, for the love of it all…election after election…I don’t want to head into another leadership in 3 years because our leader will retire)
Personal note: When Scott asked me what I wanted to do in life and when I said “make a difference” he didn’t laugh or smirk, or roll his eyes. He simply said, “That’s great. We need people like you.”…and then we proceeded to have a lengthy conversation. He is a respectful politician that doesn’t speak down to you but rather embraces your ideas. Scott exudes leadership while being connected to the grass level. To me, that is leadership of the Liberal party.