Saturday, August 05, 2006

Conspiracy theory?

Why is the Harper government trying to 'erase' all notification of ‘Climate Change’?

Read the article

Exhibit A-Removing the public government website:

Exhibit B- external links to environmental organizations such as environmentalist David Suzuki's website are currently under construction.

Exhibit C- “Conservatives have been expunging previous government news releases and other climate change information from federal websites”

Exhibit D- References to Kyoto being ‘deleted’ from government websites

Evidence of the environmental purge: the cancellation of the One Tonne Challenge and the EnerGuide program soon after the Conservatives took power.

Their response: ‘they are committed to implementing a made-in-Canada plan’. Last time I check, the Liberal government was Canadian. Just a word to the wise: A made-in Canada plan should not include ignorance or deferral.


Blogger Darren McEwen said...

Oh my,

I made a list today of all the ways that Harper is following in the footsteps of his leader Bush. (The Cons HATE it when you compare them - for obvious reason) for a letter I wrote to the Ottawa Citizen.

Too bad I already sent it because here's another horrendous example of the Conservatives strategy. Do they HONESTLY think following the strategy of George Bush is going to have a good outcome?

Saturday, August 5, 2006 at 3:57:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gawd you liberals suck . . . just can't get past the bush thing.

Get a life. Just like your Saint Trudeau was a moral failure who ran away from his generations fight against the Nazis, your party is a moral cesspit - support Castro, hate the only democratic country in the middle east, love the Hisbullah terrorists.

Its is so obvious why moist Canadians hate you you guys . . you really suck

Saturday, August 5, 2006 at 8:49:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya Bush is Harper - When you don't have an argument compare them to Bush what lazy people the liberals are.

The Irony is that Harper does not make his descions based on what Americans do. But Liberals do. Whatever the US does liberals think we should do the oppistite.

Guess what we are going to agree with the states on issues it is what it is. Only an idiot would do the oppistie of the US based on who there president is. The world keeps spinning liberals. But hey we all know liberals have no leader no vision no nothing just Harper is Bush -So what, you going to run a third election on Harper Bush again?

EX-NDIP says

"And then there's Kerry, who is probably more to your liking . . ."

Man Kerry had a lower IQ then Bush and these liberals who make fun of Bush for being dumb support kerry.

Monday, August 14, 2006 at 5:00:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please run your next election on Harper is Bush it worked so well last election. You people under estimate Harper and it is funny to watch.

For real, do you honestly have any sense of are relationship with the US. Or do just watch alot of American pop culture so you hate Bush.

Funny you liberals are just clones of the far left in America, the IRONY

Monday, August 14, 2006 at 5:05:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Sarah Wong said...

What are you talking about?
The Liberals choose policies that are best for Canada and not what is best for the back pocket of Bush.

by the same token, the Liberal party is not anti-US. Hardly, the US is our largest trading partner and we share a border with them. One may not agree with the policies of the president, but that doens't mean the Liberal party turns it's back on the United States. Don't be so dramtic.

Monday, August 14, 2006 at 5:13:00 PM EDT  

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